How do I know if my child will qualify?

If you were to call me up and ask me if your child would qualify for Early Intervention services (Which you are more than welcome to do!), here are the questions I'd ask you:

  1. What are your concerns? God has given parents some incredible intuition. Often, we know in our gut that there is something to be concerned about. I know with my kids, my mom knew with my sister & me, and my grandma knew with my mom & aunt.
  2. How old is your child and what skills is he or she demonstrating? At this point, I can direct you to yesterdays post on The Blog to address whether your child is developing normally, or if we are seeing some red flags.
  3. Have you spoken with your doctor? Sometimes parents have already been to a doctor (or lots of doctors) and the child has a diagnosis such as Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, etc.  BabyNet has a list of "Established Risk Conditions." If your child has been professionally diagnosed with any condition on this list, he or she is already eligible for BabyNet services based on "established risk." We just need to make the referral!
  4. Would you like help making a referral? There is simply no way I can guarantee that your child will qualify for Early Intervention based on signs of a developmental delay. However, I am more than happy to assist in making the referral. Where to send a referral changes, depending on the age of your child.
    • Birth - 3: These children are referred to BabyNet. The telephone number is 1-877-621-0865. You will also complete a Referral Form. 
    • Ages 3 - 6: Older children are referred to DDSN (Department of Disabilities and Special Needs). The telephone number is 1-800-289-7012.

BabyNet & DDSN are the two state agencies in South Carolina for Early Intervention. Each county has a Local DSN (Department of Special Needs) Board who provides Early Intervention services as well as private providers. Tiny Feet Early Intervention is one of those private providers.

In a Nutshell--- How do children qualify for Early Intervention services?

  • Through a diagnosis (Established Risk)
  • Through an assessment that finds your child has a developmental delay