What we do at Tiny Feet
Simply put, we provide professional coordination services and training so parents can advocate for their infants and toddlers with developmental delays or special needs!
How: We do this through Intake and Early Intervention Services. By utilizing research-based strategies, we train families and care providers to effectively help children reach important milestones. All services are free to you and your family!
Our Services Are:
Family Centered.
We understand that YOU are the expert on your child.
Who decides what services your child participates in? You do! You have the right to decline any service or provider at any time without forfeiting any of the other services your child receives.
All goals, activities, and services are based on your concerns and input.
Provided in the “Natural Environment”
You don’t have to go anywhere! We come right to your home to provide services!
We can also provide services anywhere else a child would normally go- day care, library, park, etc.
We are teachers, & the IFSP is an education record (not medical). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that mandates all states must provide children with disabilities free and appropriate education. This is the same law that funds Special Education in the school district.
We provide research-based strategies that you can use throughout the remainder of the week.
We implement the Pyramid Model during Family Training to help equip families with resources they need to support their child’s social-emotional needs.
Tiny Feet Early Intervention is a contracted provider through South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs. Our services are free to you and your family as a part of the federal legislation, IDEA, requiring a "Free Appropriate Education" (FAPE) for all.
Your child may qualify for services at no cost, including Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Feeding Therapy, Autism testing, ABA Therapy, genetics testing, Medicaid or Social Security, and more. We are happy to come alongside you every step of the way.
We are a company who loves families. We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve you!
“We have a 4 year old daughter with Autism and have been with Tiny Feet almost 3 years now. We’ve had 3 therapist in that time and each one has been amazing. The difference this company has made with our daughter has been unbelievable. She was completely non-verbal, barely would tolerate us touching her and couldn’t sit still. Now she has over 150 words, loves hugs and while she doesn’t sit still long we are making progress. I cannot say enough good things about Tiny Feet and would highly recommend them to anyone. They have helped our family so much.”
“I am a speech therapist with Babynet, and I love working with the early interventionists at Tiny Feet! They are extremely professional, and truly care for each of the families that they serve! They are highly skilled in every aspect of childhood development, and provide up to date information that pertains to the child’s individual needs. These caring individuals make my job so much more enjoyable while they are making such a difference in the communities that they serve! I highly recommend this company!”
“I have been extremely happy with Tiny Feet! My daughter started services first. Once my son qualified, they were no longer accepting referrals but made room for him to see the same EI as my daughter. They now are seen at the same time and adore their EI!”
“I’m a speech language pathologist and work with lots of different early interventionists across the area, Tiny Feet has the best ones! Their communication with therapists and families is amazing.”