So you have concerns regarding your child’s development…
what should you do next?

If your child is under 3 years old, BabyNet services are available to them! (Visit the DDSN page for children over 3)

  1. Complete BabyNet Referral. You don’t need medical professional to complete!

  2. BabyNet will contact you to complete an assessment across the developmental domains of Personal-Social, Self-Help, Cognition, Communication, Fine Motor, and Gross Motor. Based on your child’s scores the BabyNet Intake Coordinator will let you know whether or not your child qualifies for BabyNet Services.

  3. BabyNet Intake Coordinator will offer you a list of providers. If you feel like we would be a good fit for you and your child, we would love to work with you!

  4. We will receive the referral from BabyNet and will contact you within 2 business days of receiving that referral to set up our Initial Visit.

  5. Initial Visit will include an assessment of your concerns and your child’s developmental delays. Our EI will develop goals based off of your concerns and your child’s delays and will also assist in connecting you with additional services!

Your Early Interventionist will help coordinate BabyNet, Community, State, and Federal resources based off of your concerns and your child's needs.

Assistive Technology - services and equipment, including adaptive assistive devices, designed or altered for special use by children with developmental delays.

Additional Resource: University of SC Assistive Technology Program

Audiology - testing your child’s hearing, making referrals for further auditory services, as needed.

Family Education - teaching your family about your child’s delay and ways to help your child.

Occupational Therapy - helping children learn skills needed for play and daily living, designing and providing adaptive and assistive devices.

Physical Therapy - identifying and preventing or reducing movement disabilities, includes designing and providing adaptive and assistive devices.

Speech-language Therapy - helping your child understand language or learn to communicate, includes designing and providing assistive devices.

Transportation - arranging for someone to drive your child and family to and from early intervention services. This could include a taxi or bus.

Vision Services - evaluation and assessment of vision, includes referral for medical or other professional services to train or restore visual functioning.


Community Resources

  • Local School District

  • Parent Support Networks

  • Specialized Daycare Needs

  • Counseling Services

  • Psychological & Developmental Evaluations

  • Feeding Therapy

  • Acquatic Therapy

  • Music Therapy

  • Equine Therapy

  • Sensory Friendly Community Resources

  • Language/Literacy Resources

State Resources

  • Genetics

  • DDSN Waivers

  • ABA Support Services

  • Personal Care Assistants/Certified Nurse Assistants

  • Section 8

  • Job Assistance

  • WIC

Federal Resources

  • SSI (Social Security)